User Experience

What is User Experience (UX)?

User experience is a word that refers to everything a user experiences within a website. In technical terms, it’s called UX. Of the various elements that make up UX, the most important is UX design.

The design of a website is the first thing a user experiences when they access a website, and it continues to interact with them until they leave the website.

What is User Experience (UX)?

The design of sales products, websites, and interfaces has been upgraded with the development of technology and tools. In order to differentiate yourself and be competitive, you need to think about ways to effectively expose your products to users. This is where marketing and web planning expertise comes into play, and that’s where user experience design comes in. More and more companies are prioritizing user experience design because it is directly related to the performance of their business.

There’s a big difference between a website that takes user experience into account and one that doesn’t. A prime example is a website with responsive web design. Because it provides a pleasant experience for users accessing it from a variety of devices, users stay longer and your website grows.

The Difference Between UI and UX

It’s hard to tell the difference between user experience elements (UX) and user interface elements (UI) unless you’re an expert. In fact, even professional designers often lump the two together under the umbrella of UI/UX design. But if you’re about to embark on web design and website creation, it’s a good idea to be clear about the UI UX differences.

What is UI?

UI is the design of a product or service. Examples of UI include product packaging, layouts of service introduction pages, and corporate logos. Adjusting the UI design means changing the font, background color, or logo used on your site.

However, creating and changing UI designs has no purpose. The role of UX is to plan UI design, analyze data, and modify and supplement it according to the situation.

What is UX?

UX refers to all work that improves the user experience of a web business. If a user provides feedback that the font used is too small, UX will analyze this feedback and change the background color of the content page to a color that makes the font more visible or change the font to a more readable font.

If users have trouble remembering your logo, you may want to change its design or move it to a more visible location. In other words, UX refers to all work that emphasizes user experience, and includes UI design.

User Experience Design Examples

User experience design is human-centered design. The best example of user experience design is Apple. Let’s evaluate the user experience of Apple’s design elements to see why Apple is exemplary.

Apple User Experience Element 1: iOS

Mobile phones and PCs manufactured by Apple have an operating system called iOS. While iOS wasn’t the first operating system to incorporate user experience design, it’s one of the most proactive. This is because it delivers error-free, sensible design at every turn. Although users can modify some features of the operating system as they wish, there is also a very good strategy to maintain core features.

User Experience Design Examples

Apple User Experience Element 2: Ease of Use

Apple’s Ease of Use is a design feature created solely for the user experience. Devices can be operated hands-free with voice or gestures, and real-time listening and voice-over capabilities make devices accessible in a variety of situations. The recently released Apple Watch provides you with activity statistics at a glance, and by connecting your mobile phone and Apple Watch, you can easily check the contents of messages and even reply to them without having to operate your phone.

Apple User Experience Element 3: Multi-device UX

The reason Apple can hold a strong position in the IT industry is because of the Apple ecosystem. And the core of Apple’s ecosystem is multi-device UX. If you are using both an iPhone and a MacBook, you can link the two devices without installing any programs or plug-ins. The files you’re working on, your Wi-Fi, your apps, and even UI elements like wallpapers and widget styles are all the same. With this feature, Apple made it easier for users to get things done, and by extension, dramatically optimized the user experience.

User Experience Metrics

Measuring user experience is just as important as designing it. The more data you have, the more you can learn about user behavior and preferences, and the better you can direct your efforts. There are two main ways to measure user experience. The first is by giving your users a questionnaire to get answers about ease of use, and the second is to directly analyze user data.

1. Provide user experience evaluation survey

Surveying users directly about their user experience is the only way to know what they actually experienced. What you intend with your user experience design and what your users experience are never the same from the start. Only by hearing directly from your users can you ensure that your original UX design goals are met, and thus make changes to ensure that they are. However, user’s opinions are very subjective data. This is not data that can be used to generate average statistics or be applied to future user experience strategies.

User Experience Metrics

2. Evaluate and analyze your own user experience

Directly analyzing user data is the most reliable way to generate statistics or obtain data that can be applied to future strategies. This is called behavioral analytics: tracking what users do on your website and making inferences based on it. You can see what buttons users clicked, how long they stayed on a page, and whether they bounced off your page.

Measuring user experience in this way can help you identify patterns among the majority of your users. Based on these patterns, you can create the most efficient user experience improvement strategy.

How to Improve User Experience

Before you can improve user experience, you need to measure user experience to identify areas for improvement. You also need to be clear about what you’re doing to maximize user experience. If you’re just trying to make your design trendy or increase the number of buy buttons to increase product sales, you’re missing the point.

Make sure your objectives are thoroughly data-driven. Make your customers stay longer by providing a design that matches the services and products you offer. Find out at what stage of the buying process your customers are dropping off and make amends. Most importantly, keep improving the user experience.

If you’re actively improving your user experience to attract users in the early days of your business and then do so less frequently over time, search engines will see it as an inactive site and reduce your exposure.


We’ve covered a detailed definition of user experience, best practices for user experience design, and how to measure user experience. Are you still revising aimlessly? For meaningful growth, focus on user experience.

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  1. User experience is literally all the elements experienced by the user. In technical English, it is called UX, and it is related to user experience, any part of a user's interaction from the time they access a website until they leave. The element that has been receiving the most attention recently is user experience design.

  2. What is UX design?

    UX design is design that is responsible for user experience. UX design includes readable fonts, effects based on scrolling and clicking, and responsive web design. It is very important because it is the first thing users see when accessing a website. UI is created and modified through UX design, but unless you are an industry expert, you cannot distinguish between UX and UI.

  3. What is the difference between UI and UX?

    The UI UX difference is the scope of impact, where UI is the creation of detailed elements like logos and layouts, UX is the strategy and improvement of various detailed elements into a cohesive whole, so you could say that UI is included within UX design.

  4. What are user experience metrics?

    User experience metrics are measures of how users actually experience the website you've constructed through UX design. There are many different metrics, including the System Usability Scale (SUS) and the CSUQ. Asking users directly about their experience is another effective way to measure user experience.

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