Web Application Architecture 

Introduction to Web Application Architecture 

If one is developing and launching their own online product, then they will likely come across the term “web application architecture.” This term is more often used by software developers to define the high-level infrastructure of a virtual product, including server operations and data storage. 

The Backbone of Modern Web Applications 

Firstly, the web application architecture forms the bedrock on which every other production element is built. Producing on a solid basis like this can save time and funds for future product development processes. Scaling, simplifying, or building components within a certain programming language might get delayed indefinitely if this aspect is missed. 

Introduction to Web Application Architecture

The Role of Architecture in Web Development 

A web application architecture that is well-designed is vital for the scalability, performance, and management of web applications. It aids in creating applications that can evolve according to changing business requirements and handle higher levels of traffic while providing a streamlined user experience

Components of Web Application Architecture 

Here, we will go over what the web application architecture is composed of, namely the different servers, the database, and the frontend and user interface. 

The Web Server 

The web server is a kind of middleware used within the communication elements of web application architecture. 

The web server manages incoming client requests while sending back responses. It hosts web applications and serves HTML images and pages, among other static content. Furthermore, it manages sessions, connections, and cookies while implementing security mechanisms like SSL/TLS encryption to secure against attacks. 

Some of the popular examples of web servers include Nginx, Microsoft IIS, Google Web Server, and Apache. 

Components of Web Application Architecture

The Web Application Server 

A web application server is designed to respond to both web-based requests and other protocols as well. It delivers dynamic content across remoting, message buses, and other protocols. Moreover, the application server utilizes these protocols to serve and deploy business applications. 

The purpose of web application servers is to lower the complexity and size of a deployment, along with the integration of additional functionality like streamlined security. 

There are numerous other examples of application servers, including the likes of JBoss, Weblogic, Websphere, Glassfish, and Tomcat, to mention a few. 

The Database 

A database is probably the most vital component of web application architecture. 

A database is responsible for the management and storage of information for web applications. Using certain functions, one could search, sort, or filter information depending on user requests and bring the necessary information forward to end users. Additionally, they enable role-based access for the maintenance of data integrity. 

When selecting databases for your web application’s architecture, the speed, scalability, structure, and size tend to be the four key elements requiring consideration. When it comes to structured data, SQL-based databases like MySQL and PostgreSQL can be a good choice, as they suit financial applications where data integrity is vital. 

The Frontend and User Interface 

The front-end is a component of web applications that represents what is displayed to users and what they can access, and it includes aspects pertaining to the user interface, like forms, menus, and buttons. 

As expected, the front end represents the user experience associated with web applications, which is why it is extremely important to get the hang of or produce efficiently. 

While CSS, JavaScript, and HTML tend to be widely used to generate frontends, Angular, and React are some of the more modern frontend frameworks that are being used. 

Web Application Server Architecture 

Earlier, we discussed some of the basic components underlying the web application architecture. However, below, we will dive deep into what those components practically entail and include. 

There is a lot that goes into the architecture of an application server; there are various different layers, each having their own components, and then there is the additional task of scaling those components and balancing loads. 

Components and Layers 

The presentation layer is responsible for managing the application’s user interface, potentially involving the use of JavaScript, CSS, and HTML, receiving users’ inputs, transferring them towards the business layer for further processing, and engaging through interfaces or APIs. 

The business layer manages the business logic of the web application, which contains various services, models, and controllers for fulfilling users’ requests. It engages with another layer called data access to manipulate and retrieve data as required. 

And finally, the data access layer helps translate application data into formats that may be retrieved or stored from data stores and contains components that communicate with the database. 

Web Application Server Architecture

Scalability and Load Balancing 

When working on web application architecture, there will be a range of factors that developers will have to consider, but the most important is probably scalability, so that increasing loads can be handled or balanced while including the capacity to scale vertically or horizontally. 

Client-Server Model in Web Applications 

The client-server model refers to the distributed application framework in which tasks are split between clients and servers, either of which reside within the same systems or engage through the internet or computer networks. 

Here, the client sends data requests for the server to accept, later accommodate, and send data packets back towards the users needing them. 

But to facilitate communication or exchange of information between clients and servers, you have communication protocols like HTTP and WebSocket, each of which follow different patterns or ways of facilitating communication. 

The Difference Between a Web Server and a Web Application Server 

Within IT operations web server and web application server comparisons tend to be common, and at times, it appears as if the terms are being interchangeably used, so knowing the differences between them can be a bit tricky. 

Let’s start with the distinctions, what their primary roles tend to be and the type of content they handle. 

Primary Functions and Responsibilities 

Among the several differences between the two is the fact that web servers cater to simple requests whereas applications provide more complex content taken from various services, enterprise systems, and databases. Other differences boil down to protocol support and multi-threading. 

The Difference Between a Web Server and a Web Application Server

Handling Dynamic Content vs. Static Content 

Static content remains identical for every user regardless of real-time events or behaviors. As for dynamic content, it refers to content that can be changed or generated in real-time depending on the location and behavior of users, among other factors. In web application architecture, handling both is necessary, which is why many enterprise teams utilize both, operating web servers as proxies in front of application servers. 

Use Cases and Scenarios 

Let’s now delve into the various scenarios in which a web server or an application server would be more often used. 

If one’s project only involves simple dynamic content like portfolios, blogs, or static content, then a web server may be what they need since it can utilize template engines or execute scripts. 

But if there are projects like games or eCommerce sites at play that involve more complex dynamic content or functionalities, then web application servers may offer the required capabilities or features in such instances. 

The Advantages of a Well-Designed Web Application Architecture 

If the time and resources required for a well-structured web application architecture are aptly put in, then there are a plethora of advantages that will be enjoyed. 

Efficiency, Scalability, and Performance 

To start with, the performance will be amped up to a whole other level, and that brings about its own set of benefits. 

Everything will work as intended and flow smoothly. From the response times to the user experience, things will have a more optimal and well-rounded feel to them. 

What’s more, your web application will be able to scale resources with demand, as a good structure will likely be capable of handling more traffic easily or efficiently responding to any changes in demand. 

The Advantages of a Well-Designed Web Application Architecture

Security and Reliability 

Furthermore, a well-designed web application architecture will have things nailed down even from a security or reliability angle. 

The data or user information will be protected from cyberattacks with advanced encryption, validation, backup, monitoring, and access control methods, ensuring an air of reliability around the web application. 

A well-designed web application architecture will naturally be a high-availability architecture as well, ensuring that application services are being delivered despite any failures. In other words, redundancy is ensured, along with load balancing, automatic failovers, and data backup or recovery. 


The benefits of having a proper web application architecture in place are innumerable, and these days, the demand for scalable and secure web application architecture is an ever-rising phenomenon. Incorporating robust elements into one’s web application architecture, then, is a vital step that any serious developer would undertake. 


  1. Can a web server and a web application server run on the same machine? 

    Yes, both server types can operate on the same system. 

  2. Are web servers and application servers interchangeable? 

    Yes, as alluded to earlier, they often are, since the tasks they perform tend to be similar to a certain extent. 

  3. What is the role of a load balancer in web application architecture? 

    Load balancers track web and backend server health to ensure their capability of handling requests. Should it be necessary, unhealthy servers may be removed from pools until they're fully restored. 

  4. Which database system is commonly used in web application development? 

    From what we have gathered, SQL databases tend to be more often used within web application development, particularly MySQL. 

  5. How does microservices architecture fit into web application development? 

    Microservices tend to be highly modular components that can fit together to create web applications. They focus more on keeping every component small within bounded contexts. Bounded context entails every microservice having its own code or data put together with considerably lower dependency rates. 

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