eCommerce Creation Process

According to one report, over 80% of the UK’s population uses the internet to buy products and services. This fact highlights that e-business owners might get more traffic than random informational blogs.

Do you know what that means? eCommerce creation is quite profitable. However, making a new yet profitable eCommerce site isn’t an easy feat. But don’t worry – we’re here to guide you through the whole procedure.

So, without further ado, let’s get started!

The Importance of eCommerce in Modern Business

eCommerce , a groundbreaking innovation in the world of business, has become a vital part of 21st-century commercial enterprises. Here’s why it is so important:

  • Cost-Effectiveness: It minimizes operating expenses through the elimination or reduction of physical storefronts, automatic stock control, and so on.
  • 24/7 Availability: eCommerce platforms, unlike traditional physical stores, keep functioning day and night. Customers may buy goods from them at any time.
  • Personalized Customer Experience: In eCommerce, sophisticated data analytics give customer behavior insights that enable highly individualized marketing and customer service excellence.
  • Increased Customer Reach: With the growth of internet usage, eCommerce can tap into a large customer base, including tech-savvy and younger demographics.
  • Convenience and Efficiency: It offers convenience to customers, allowing them to shop anywhere they want, which in turn increases customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Scalability: eCommerce platforms make it easy for businesses to scale up or down according to market demand without making large investments.
The Importance of eCommerce  in Modern Business

The eCommerce Creation Process

Step-by-Step Guide to Launching Your Online Store

Let’s explore the steps that you need to follow to launch your online store:

  1. Market Research and Niche Selection: The first step to creating an eCommerce store is selecting your micro-niche and doing proper market research on it. You can use tools like Buzzsumo and SEMRush for this purpose. They offer in-depth competitor analysis. Moreover, you can also take help from online forums to get a better know-how about the preferences of your target audience.
  1. Domain Registration and Hosting Setup: Next, you need to choose an easy and available domain name for your store’s website. To register it, you can use Similarly, you must also select a hosting platform like Shopify for easy and quick setup. You can also utilize WooCommerce, a WordPress plugin, as the hosting provider. However, it requires a bit more technical expertise. 
  1. Website Design and Layout: Now it’s time to design your store. You can start by choosing a theme that resonates with your brand. Such templates are customizable, so you can easily adjust the elements like font, color, etc. With that, make sure it offers optimum user experience, too, as an attractive layout is not everything. For this, the website must be easy to navigate and must comprise organized categories along with an accessible search bar.
  1. Product Listing and Management: In the next step, you can start listing products that are relevant to your target audience. Always start with a smaller quantity, as it’s easier to manage things this way. Each product must have detailed descriptions, HD images, shipping costs, and durations. Besides that, it is equally important to categorize the products into subsections to make browsing easier for the users. There should also be a section for customer reviews and testimonials.
  1. Payment Gateway Integration: You must integrate different payment methods into your eCommerce store to cater to different customer needs. Common options include PayPal, bank transfer, credit and debit card, Stripe, etc. The key is to ensure the safety of your customer’s financial details.
The eCommerce Creation Process

Optimizing for User Experience and Conversion

The eCommerce store that you build must have a simple interface so users can easily find what they are looking for. Here are some elements that you can implement do so:

  • Mobile Responsiveness: Your store’s layout must be flexible enough to adjust to different screen sizes. Moreover, the checkout process should be simple, too. Sometimes, excessive scrolling on mobile or filling long forms can prevent a user from completing a purchase.
  • User-Friendly Navigation: To make your digital store easy to navigate, you can employ an intuitive menu that must have short but comprehensive labels. Besides that, an easy-to-reach search bar and different filters can also add significant weight to this aspect.
  • Checkout Process Streamlining: Simply put, the checkout process should not exceed one page. The fewer the steps, the higher the conversion rate your store would have. For this, you can take advantage of auto-fill suggestions that will save a lot of time for your customers.

Placing an eCommerce Creation Order

Choosing the Right eCommerce Platform

When it comes to choosing an eCommerce platform, you need to consider a lot of factors to make an informed decision. This precisely includes your budget, the platform’s user-friendliness, customization capabilities, integrations, SEO tools, scalability, and security features.

Here are some of the hosted and self-hosted platforms that are widely used for this purpose:

  • Shopify
  • WooCommerce
  • Wix
  • Squarespace
  • Volusion
  • Big Cartel
Placing an eCommerce Creation Order

Self-Hosted vs. Hosted Solutions

Here are some basic differences between self-hosted and hosted solutions:

Feature Self-Hosted (e.g., WooCommerce) Hosted (e.g., Shopify) 
Setup Technical setup required Easy, less technical 
Cost Variable Fixed monthly fees 
Customization High flexibility; extensive customization Limited to platform capabilities 
Maintenance User-managed updates and security Managed by the platform 
Scalability Depends on the hosting provider Generally easy to scale 

Selecting a Web Development Team

To ensure the functionality, security, and scalability of your eCommerce store, you’d need a web development team. Here is a comparison of two major options that are available for this purpose:

In-House vs. Outsourcing Development

Factor In-House Outsourcing 
Control High control over processes and immediate oversight Less direct control over day-to-day operations 
Communication Direct and more efficient communication Potential challenges due to time zones, language, or cultural differences 
Cost Higher initial costs – due to recruitment, salaries, and infrastructure Lower initial costs – pay for the service without additional overhead 
Scalability Scaling up requires more time and resources Easier and quicker to scale up or down as needed 
Time to Market Potentially slower due to team building and ramp-up Faster deployment with experienced teams already in place 
Commitment Long-term commitment to staff and resources Flexibility to change providers or end contracts as needed 

Agency Selection Criteria

Here are some factors that you must consider when selecting a web development agency for your digital store:

  • Portfolio
  • Industry experience
  • Responsiveness rate
  • Technical expertise and knowledge about current digital trends
  • Code ownership and integration
  • Additional services (discovery sessions, post-launch support, and MVP support)

Budgeting and Cost Estimation

The overall cost of developing an eCommerce store depends on various factors like:

  • Hosting platform you choose
  • Design (custom ones cost more)
  • Third-party integrations like CRM, ERP, payment gateways
  • Content creation and management
  • SEO setup and marketing efforts
Placing an eCommerce Creation Order

Ongoing Expenses – Hosting, Maintenance

Besides the initial investment, you also need to spend a certain budget monthly to cater to the ongoing costs. For instance, the eCommerce platform, typically the self-hosted one, would require a fixed monthly fee. Scaling the setup may lead to an increment.

Besides that, your business may also require regular maintenance to keep the site functional. This precisely includes keeping the platform and plugins updated along with troubleshooting common problems.

eCommerce Creation Methods

Let’s have a look at some of the ways you can use to develop an eCommerce store:

Custom Development

Custom development of an eCommerce website includes creating it from scratch. This is typically useful when you have specific requirements that standard hosting platforms might not be able to address. Moreover, it is a powerful tool for brand differentiation, setting your business apart from competitors.

However, the process of planning, designing, developing, and testing can be time-consuming. In addition, it may require a higher budget as you’d need an expert team to handle the initial setup and ongoing maintenance.

eCommerce Creation Methods

eCommerce Website Builders

eCommerce site builders are suitable for your needs if you lack technical expertise. With features like drag and drag-and-drop interface, you can add, remove, and rearrange elements of the website with just a single click. Additionally, you can also find a collection of pre-designed themes here to suit your brand’s style and industry. These templates make website designing a breeze with flexible editing options.

Open-Source Platforms

The code of open-source platforms is available publicly and can be modified easily, and they provide a solid framework for developing eCommerce websites. Thanks to the accessible nature of code, using such platforms offers top-notch flexibility for eCommerce creation. The customization capabilities extend from the user interface to the deep backend functionalities.

However, there is a steep learning curve associated with open-source platforms. And, you must possess enough knowledge of web development to utilize them. Moreover, the entire process can be time-consuming as compared to using hosted solutions.


To conclude, eCommerce creation is a comprehensive process that involves multiple steps. Starting from the selection of a niche to developing a website, listing products, and maintaining the store – every aspect has a crucial value.


  1. What are the essential features to include in an eCommerce store?

    An eCommerce store must be easier to navigate, responsive on the mobile interface, and search engine optimized to be successful. Besides that, it must also feature secure payment options, high-quality images and descriptions of the products, and accessible customer support.

  2. How long does it take to create an eCommerce website?

    When it comes to creating an eCommerce website, the required time frame can vary widely. Basically, it depends on the complexity and scale of the store. For instance, if it’s a basic site, you’d need a few weeks to complete its setup. On the other hand, a more developed store with custom features can take several months as it requires proper planning, designing, and testing.

  3. What are the key differences between hosted and self-hosted eCommerce platforms?

    On hosted eCommerce platforms, everything from website hosting to different technical aspects is managed by the service provider. On the other hand, you are required to host the site on your own server and manage every technical aspect by yourself with self-hosted eCommerce platforms.

  4. Do I need a large budget to start an eCommerce business?

    To start an eCommerce store, you do not need a large budget, thanks to platforms like Shopify and WooCommerce. These offer highly affordable options for small businesses.

  5. What are the best practices for optimizing an eCommerce website for search engines?

    To employ a search engine-optimized store, you must take care of proper keyword placement, quality content, fast loading speed, backlinks, and smooth UX.

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